Sunday, 10 October 2010

Something for the weekend

Well, pre-Massive-Plumbing-Problem, it was going to be a weekend of culture as I’d been looking forward to going to the V&A, but yesterday was spent mostly spent peering into drainage pipes.  So my plans have shifted to next week – the V&A usually has a few small free exhibitions on at any one time and they’re all things that Hart and Bloom likes best at the moment... Fashion plates and fashion satire - 1775-1925 (sounds obscure – actually fabulous), London underground architecture (30’s modernist stylings!), Beatrix Potter illustrations, and an exhibit all about the history of chocolate (mmm... chocolate). Honestly, it’s like they’ve let me curate the place for a month as this is EXACTLY what I’d have on show.
During plumbing-nightmare downtime, I have at least had the chance to squeeze in some extra jewellery making – latest efforts are below for your viewing pleasure.
gold swallow necklace with envelope pendant
Antique brass swallows and envelope pendant

Elves at work in the jewellery workshop!
Cream rose ring, with the mad hatters tea party in view!

Moomin coffee break
Coffee break, Moomin style.

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